They say a picture is worth a thousand words. What we love about Emily Heizer Photography’s blog is the artist’s uncanny ability to communicate her unique style with readers, sometimes merely by showing the range of her work.


Here’s an example: She cleverly takes one image of a bride and groom and shows off her great photo editing skills, displaying versions in vintage sepia and B&W tones, saturated colors and soft hues. “This is totally my forte and I have so much fun doing this stuff!” Emily shares.


Yep, this gal has range. She can do sweet and breezy, fun and flirty, deep and romantic, and even highly emotional.



In one shot we observed on her blog, she photographed a couple joining hands from around a corner. Neither could see each other (we’re assuming this was taken before she walked down the aisle) but their hands touched in a wonderfully intimate moment. There are few shots with tears pouring down the groom’s face. You can’t beat beautiful moments like that.

For more on Emily Heizer Photography’s blog, log on to And, make sure to like Emily Heizer Photography on Facebook,

Blog post by Real Weddings Magazine’s Always a Bridesmaid Columnist, Darren Elms.

Photos courtesy of Emily Heizer Photography.

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