For both Linda and Bob, this was a second marriage. And if it wasn’t for a pesky pop-up ad for an over-50 singles dating site, the couple may not have met. Linda was skeptical of online dating, and she had been single for 11 years. Bob wasn’t looking. But he accidentally clicked the link and there he was on the dating site.
“We both took a chance,” Linda says. “I lived in the Grass Valley area and Bob was a man about Chico. The 75-minute trip back and forth was well worth it. We shared the drive while courting.”
Bob still remembers one of the first things Linda said to him. “‘Let the adventure begin!’ That describes our courtship,” he says. “It was a grand tour of restaurants, wineries and music performances. We also enjoyed quieter moments.” As they grew closer and feelings grew stronger, they started talking about marriage. “I knew we were getting married and Linda picked out the engagement ring setting, so the formal proposal was not a big surprise,” he says. “To give it a little more excitement, I popped the question on February 13, one day in advance of what she might have expected.”
Bob was showing her around Chico. They went to Bidwell Park, walked around downtown and strolled through the Chico State campus. He took her to a bridge that sits over a creek and dropped to one knee to ask Linda to marry him. “As I said, ‘Yes, yes, yes!’ picnickers by the creek stood and applauded with cheers. I will never forget that moment,” she says.
As they started planning, they wanted their wedding to reflect everything they love. “Our mission was to bring an [indoor] wedding theme to the [outdoors]; an intimate, warm ceremony and reception in the middle of a gorgeous view of vineyards and mountains,” she says.
The ceremony was heartfelt, featuring a unique touch where the guests were asked to join in by reciting their own set of vows to the couple, which included their loving support of the union. “Our wedding was magical,” she says. “It was a dream setting with all the beauty of nature. The day was warm and clear, and you could see vines, mountains and trees for miles. I felt like the luckiest person alive, overwhelmed with emotion and joy.”
At the reception, a five-piece band played while 100 guests danced on a wooden dance floor while taking in the breathtaking scenery. For Bob, it was one of the best days of his life. “I was stunned by the beautiful setting and the ease with which we completed the many parts of the ceremony and reception. The atmosphere was a dream come true. I was thinking, ‘I’m marrying a beautiful lady in a vineyard with panoramic views, delicious food and great music! Are you kidding me?’”
—Kourtney Jason