We love our “Words of Wisdom” feature where long-married couples get to share their take on what makes a successful marriage. Sometimes poignant, often funny, but always right on the mark.

In our Winter/Spring 2010 issue of Real Weddings Magazine, we featured Sharon and Jim “Digger” Williams, who, at the time, were celebrating 50 years of marriage. For the past 10 years, we’ve had the privilege to get to know Sharon and Digger―their love for each other, their community and their friends and family has always been so front and center, and we were honored to feature them and share them with you, our Real Weddings readers.

With Digger’s passing this past Tuesday, July 1, we thought we’d revisit their “Words of Wisdom” feature and take a moment to celebrate their love for each other and share their nuggets of wisdom with you as you embark on your marriage journey!

“Looking back over our many years together, we wondered why we made such a big deal over the small things. Each day is a gift—make the most of each one.”


“Love conquers all. The love of the Lord in our marriage has been the most overwhelming presence, making us so thankful for the enjoyment of the good times and helping us through any difficulties because He is always there.”


“Always say that you’re sorry—realize that you are two individuals with rights. Allow each other to be your own individual person. It works.”


“Keep the romantic fire alive. Have date nights and keep them. Say ‘I love you’ often. Create surprises. Give gifts—even small unimaginable ones.”


“Get involved in your community, volunteer together, it’s fun!”

Blog post by Real Weddings Editor/Publisher, Wendy Sipple.

Photos courtesy of the couple.

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